EURO X2.0 EVOO superdecanter is our new de-canter with 2000 kgs/h capacity.
It operates in a two-phases system without water in ad-diction and it produces oil without the use of vertical cen-trifugal separators. It is equipped with an original extrac-tion system that absolutely excludes oil leaks in the husk; contrary to what happens often in similar system.
TBD - Twin Bowl Decanter
This decanter is equipped with a special drum.
Thanks to its design, the oil moisture proceeds along all the drum length; this increases the permanence of the olive paste inside the drum and permits to recover a higher quantity of product of very high quality.
The main innovation concerns the clarification run of the product inside the drum: the oil moisture enters (at low speed) a second drum located in the centre; all the muci-lage and suspension bodies are eliminated by the running of the oil moisture through all the second drum length.
This allows to obtain a very high quality olive oil.This new decanter offers a truly innovative and flexible tool to the olive oil growers because it allow them to ob-tain an olive oil with superior organoleptic characteristics; this is accompanied by an important ecological saving that is nowadays a current topic.
The Euro Series decanter are fitted with a new oil collecting system from the chamber through a centripetal pump: the oil is gently taken without shaking, with an increase in the final product quality.
This solution is entirely modular: the model of crushers, kneaders and washing machines may be choose by the customer.